🍓 Ichigo: Llama Learns to Talk

Alan Dao
Rex Ha
Bach Vu

Homebrew’s early-fusion speech model has evolved. Meet 🍓 Ichigo - the latest llama3-s checkpoint.

Inspired by the Chameleon (opens in a new tab) and Llama Herd (opens in a new tab) papers, llama3-s (Ichigo) is an early-fusion, audio and text, multimodal model. We're conducting this research entirely in the open, with an open-source codebase (opens in a new tab), open data (opens in a new tab) and open weights (opens in a new tab).

Llama learns to talk Image generated by ChatGPT


A real-time demo of 🍓 Ichigo (7th Oct 2024 checkpoint): the MLLM listens to human speech and talks back.

🍓 Ichigo

You can try it for yourself:

*Inference may slow/queued due to shared compute on a single NVIDIA RTX4090

This post shares methodology and results behind this latest checkpoint. As always, this is just the beginning, and we need your ideas to push this research further.


From the llama3-s-v0.2 checkpoint (opens in a new tab), we identified several areas for improvement:

  1. Pre-training data was English only, limiting multilingual capabilities
  2. Significant degradation in the base model's (llama3) capabilities, particularly in MMLU (opens in a new tab) performance
  3. Inability to recognize nonspeech inputs, leading to response hallucinations
  4. Limited contextual understanding in multi-turn conversations

Ichigo addresses these limitations through a three-phase training approach.


Phase 1: Continual Pre-training on Multilingual Speech

Data: In this phase we shifted from an English-only dataset (opens in a new tab) to 7 languages dataset (opens in a new tab). This helps align the model's distribution more closely with the original multilingual training of the base LLM.

Phase 1: Continual Pre-training on Multilingual Speech Fig 1. Synthetic data generation pipeline

Tokenizer: To accommodate our shift towards a multilingual dataset, we made a change in our tokenizer from English-only checkpoint (opens in a new tab) to 7 languages checkpoint (opens in a new tab).

Training: The pre-training totaled 8064 steps and took over 45 hours on 10xA6000s. We used Torchtune’s (opens in a new tab) Fully Sharded Data Parallels 2 (FSDP2), an AdamW Fused optimizer, along with the following parameters:

ParameterContinual Training
Global batch size480
Learning Rate2e-4
Learning SchedulerLambdaLR with warmup
OptimizerAdamW Fused (opens in a new tab)
Warmup Steps50
Weight Decay0.005
Max length512

Loss: Training loss converged to just below 2. This loss convergence pattern is similar to what we observed in our previous run (opens in a new tab).

Phase 1: Loss curve

MMLU Eval: We measured MMLU at this stage to get a sense of degradation. 5-shot MMLU dropped from 0.69 (opens in a new tab) → 0.42 This decrease rate is higher than our previous run.

Phase 2: Balancing Original Performance and Speech Modality

This phase focused on recovering the model's general capabilities while enhancing its speech-related skills

Addressing MMLU Performance Drop: The continual pre-training in Phase 1, while necessary for introducing speech capabilities, significantly reduced the model's original performance. This is a common challenge when retraining a pre-trained model on new vocabulary. Our goal was to recover these capabilities without compromising the newly acquired speech understanding.

Spoiler alert: We recovered MMLU performance from 0.42 to 0.63, reducing the degradation rate to approximately 10%.

Optimizing Data and Training Strategies


  • Scale: Increased the data size from 0.92M to 1.89M samples.
  • Diversity: Expanded topic range on daily conversation, problem-solving scenarios and math solving.
  • Language Focus: It's important to note that despite the scale-up, we maintained an English-only instruction dataset for this phase.

Transcription token: Previously, we used 513 semantic tokens from WhisperVQ's codebook, 2 special tokens for sound input boundaries, and 1 special token for transcription tasks. However, we discovered that the transcription token hindered model recovery.

Our solution:

  • Replaced the single transcription token with six diverse prompts
  • This approach improved the model's ability to map sound token patterns to corresponding text.
Test NamePretrain CheckpointDatasetSpeechQA dataInstruction-text dataTranscription dataFinal MMLU Score
Test 1: Early Pretrain Recovery3,000 steps500k mixed0.55
Test 2: Late Pretrain RecoveryLast500k mixed0.515
Test 3: Late Pretrain Recovery with Transcription (With transcription token)Last500k mixed0.48
Test 4: Extended Late Pretrain Recovery (With transcription prompts)Last1.89M mixed0.63

Mixed training data between modalities: We determined an optimal interleaving of different data types with 70% speech instruction prompts, 20% speech transcription prompts and 10% text-only prompts.

Phase 2: Mixed data proportion

This distribution was not arrived at arbitrarily. We conducted several permutation tests to find the sweet spot that balances speech understanding, transcription abilities, and general language skills.

Training: The phase 2 training totaled 7400 steps and took over 10 hours on 8xH100s with the following parameters:

ParameterContinual Training
Global batch size256
Learning Rate7e-5
Learning SchedulerLambdaLR with warmup
OptimizerAdamW Fused (opens in a new tab)
Warmup Steps73
Weight Decay0.005
Max length4096

Loss: Training loss converged at 1.08

Phase 2: loss curve

Phase 3: Teach Ichigo To Say “I cannot hear”

In this final phase, we focused on fine-tuning the model to improve user interaction, particularly in handling inaudible inputs and multi-turn conversations.


  1. Teach the model to recognize and appropriately respond to inaudible inputs
  2. Improve context retention in multi-turn conversations with speech input

Teach model to say “I cannot hear”

Our initial approach was to create a synthetic dataset of random environmental noises. However, we quickly realized that this method was difficult to scale.

To fix this problem, we hypothesized that meaningful speech typically follows certain patterns. This led us to utilize the 513 sound tokens from the WhisperVQ codebook, and randomize them into similar patterned sequences. This method allowed us to generate a vast amount of "inaudible" input data with a wide distribution. The key insight was that if the model could recognize these chaotic patterns as inaudible input, it would learn to decline responses appropriately.

Inaudible space vs Speech space Inaudible space is much larger than Speech space

To put this in perspective: With an average speech input of about 50 sound tokens, there are 513^50 possible arrangements. However, only a tiny fraction of these arrangements would constitute meaningful speech. By exposing our model to a wide range of these chaotic arrangements, we taught it to distinguish between audible and inaudible inputs effectively.


Multi-turn Conversation:

To enhance multi-turn capabilities with speech input, we fine-tuned the model using 150K samples. The dataset composition was:

  • 90% two-turn conversations
  • 10% conversations with four or more turns

Phase 3: Teach model to say I cannot hear

Inaudible Refusal data:

For the inaudible inputs, we employed the Qwen2.5-72B model (opens in a new tab) to generate diverse synthetic answers. This process was facilitated through Distillabel (opens in a new tab), ensuring a wide range of appropriate "decline" responses.

Beyond randomizing sound tokens for inaudible input, we also performed sequence length distribution matching between inaudible and audible data. This ensured a balanced representation of both types of inputs in our training set.

Training: The phase 3 training totaled 644 steps and took over 3 hours on 8xH100s with the following parameters:

ParameterContinual Training
Global batch size256
Learning Rate1.5e-5
Learning SchedulerLambdaLR with warmup
OptimizerAdamW Fused (opens in a new tab)
Warmup Steps8
Weight Decay0.005
Max length4096

Loss: Loss converged at 0.98

Phase 3: loss curve


MMLU: We recovered the MMLU after phase 1 and maintained the instruct following performance after phase 3

MMLU performance

We know that with only MMLU is insufficient to claim recovery. So we will also benchmark on more text-based datasets in our upcoming research paper.

AudioBench Eval: AudioBench (opens in a new tab) is a June 2024 benchmark designed to evaluate audio large language models (AudioLLMs). It measures speech capabilities, in addition to ASR, transcription, etc., through a compilation of many open datasets.

Model BenchOpen-hermes Instruction Audio (opens in a new tab) (GPT-4-O judge 0:5)Alpaca Instruction Audio (opens in a new tab) (GPT-4-O judge 0:5)
Llama3.1-s-v2 (opens in a new tab)3.453.53
Ichigo-llama3.1-s v0.3-phase2 -cp7000 (opens in a new tab)3.423.62
Ichigo-llama3.1-s v0.3-phase2-cplast (opens in a new tab)3.313.6
Ichigo-llama3.1-s v0.3-phase3 (opens in a new tab)3.643.68
Qwen2-audio-7B (opens in a new tab)2.632.24

Next steps

🍓 Ichigo is still in early development and has limitations:

  • Weak to nonsensical audio in multi-turn conversation
  • Multilingual capability hasn’t been fully explored

For now, our next steps are as follows:

  • Curate training dataset better, longer prompts, filtering out non-speech-perfect data.
  • A more efficient synthetic data pipeline that skips redundant layers
  • Establishing cascaded system, baseline, and ASR benchmarks to evaluate computational and improvements across other tasks

Long term, we aim to develop 🍓 Ichigo as a production-level tool that can be integrated in your AI applications.


Data distribution:

Task Typev0.2v0.3
Speech Multi-turnNone140K samples: 2 turns, 10K samples >= 4 turns
Speech QA679K samples1.33M samples
Transcription250K samples (Using a special token)400K samples (6 different prompts)
Noise AudioNone8K samples
Text-onlyNone100K samples: multi-turn, 50K samples: single turn

Prompts used for transcription data

Transcribe the following audio clip: <speech>
Convert the spoken words to text: <speech>
What is being said in this audio clip: <speech>
Transcribe the speech in this audio sample: <speech>
Please write down what is being said in the audio clip: <speech>
Generate a transcript from this sound file: <speech>
Recognize the speech in this audio clip: <speech>
Produce a text version of this audio recording: <speech>


Open Call

We’re calling on LLM researchers and audio experts to experiment with us.

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We believe that collaborative, open research can accelerate progress in this exciting field. Whether you're an experienced researcher or an enthusiastic newcomer, your contribution could be valuable.

At Homebrew Computer Company (opens in a new tab), we like smaller, “edge friendly” models that are privacy preserving and feasible to train on energy-efficient clusters. Read more about our AI philosophy here (opens in a new tab).

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